Call/Text: (360) 207-5842
Fax: (360) 504-4330
Email: cade@loudandclearspeech.com
Neuro-Rehab and Neuro-Hab
"Neuro-Rehab" vs "Neuro-Hab": What's the difference?
Neurological Rehabilitation (or "neuro-rehab") is a service that has traditionally helped provide support individuals who are recovering from a brain injury - whether that is a traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, concussion/mTBI, or other acquired brain injury. The aim of rehabilitation is to support individuals in regaining/relearning skills that they lost after brain injury.
​On the flip side, neuro-habilitation (or "neuro-hab") is a service that supports the development of neurological skills that may be under-developed, weak, or developed in a way that doesn't always vibe with existing in and moving throughout a neurotypical world. These may be skills that make you think, "it looks so easy for other people, why is it so hard for me?" - this is a very common experience for neurodivergent folks.
What does it target?
Whether you are looking for neuro-rehabilitation or neuro-habilitative services, the areas of focus and methods of intervention are often the same, just approached for a different reason!
Memory: The brain's ability to retrieve encoded (or stored) information.
What was the name of my new coworker?
What did I need to get from the grocery store?
What time was my doctor's appointment again?
Wait... didn't I already have this conversation/read this book/watch this movie?
Attention: The brain's ability to select information to encode (or store) by focusing on the world around it.
I need to go back and reread this whole chapter, I don't remember any of it.
I started ten projects today but only finished 10% of each project, so nothing is done.
This work project is due by the end of the day, but there's no way I'll be able to focus for that long.
Shoot, I spaced out of this conversation, what are they talking about?
Executive Function: The "captain" of the brain's skills; the part of our brain that directs and manages our goals.
This task seems so large and daunting, I don't even know where to start, so I'll put it off for another day.
I keep mismanaging my time and over/under-estimating how long this will take.
I prioritized the wrong task, and now I'm crunching to meet a deadline.
I know what I need to do, but I have no idea how to get there.
Other areas we can work on together include language comprehension & expression, problem-solving, processing speed, and/or visual-spatial processing.
So... are you just going to give me workbooks or tell me to "just try harder", then?
No way!
Together, we will create functional goals to address in therapy - yes, we will talk about what specifically is challenging for you, but more importantly, we will discuss how it is impacting your daily life and what we can do to make it easier.
Cognitive therapy works through the use of strategies and supports. We identify a cognitive skill that is challenging for your brain, create a support or technique that makes it easier for you to use that skill, and then gradually fade use of the support until you're doing it more independently. Think of the strategies and supports like training wheels helping you learn to ride a bike - we use them until you don't need them anymore!
It is important to note that cognitive rehabilitation and habilitation at Loud & Clear Speech Therapy does not utilize the Medical Model of Disability, which places the focus on what an individual can't do. Rather, Loud & Clear Speech Therapy supports clients using the Social Model of Disability, which focuses on an individual's existing strengths to support areas that aren't functioning the way you want them to. Clients are 100% in control of their therapy plan and can choose to change, get rid of, and add goal areas as they see fit!
I still have questions.
I'd be happy to answer them! Please email me at cade@loudandclearspeech.com.
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Call/Text: (360) 207-5842
Fax: (360) 504-4330